Do You Have Something to Say That You Would Like to Share With Our Community?
The HCA Voice is designed to help Health & Nutrition Counselors and Health Coaches excel in their careers by providing them with valuable information that they can use to help grow their business and serve their clients more effectively.
The HCA Voice is distributed electronically on a quarterly basis. The editorial content is assigned three months in advance of publication date. This is to allow time for writing (four to six weeks), editing (two weeks), production (two weeks), proofing, layout and mailing (two weeks).
The HCA Voice is distributed electronically on a quarterly basis. The editorial content is assigned three months in advance of publication date. This is to allow time for writing (four to six weeks), editing (two weeks), production (two weeks), proofing, layout and mailing (two weeks).
Submitting an Article Idea
Submit your query letter or complete article if already written, in writing to MEDIA RELATIONS and include "Article Submission and your full name" in the subject line.
Queries should not exceed two to three paragraphs and should include the following information:
If the editor decides that the proposed article is a good fit, then we will be in contact to discuss further details. The HCA Voice may take up to four to six weeks to decide whether an editorial idea is suitable.
Article ideas that are most likely to be accepted are those that address current topics in the Holistic / Natural Health Industry and that are of interest to Health & Nutrition Counselors and Health Coaches and include the viewpoints of at least two to three experts or sources. Other articles of interest include practice management pieces that help Health & Nutrition Counselors and Health Coaches do their jobs better.
Our readers value articles that are educational and interesting. Highly technical or academic-style writing will most likely not be accepted. Articles that offer real-life examples are also of interest to our readers and articles that provide critical analyses should also include possible solutions to the problems presented.
HCA Voice will not accept any articles that merely serve as promotional pieces for a company or individual (i.e., advertorial) SEE ADVERTISING.
All self-serving phrases will be edited out of the story as the editor sees fit. Article submissions and ideas should be objective and should not be used as a platform for rants or raves. The editor reserves the right to edit submitted articles for length and/or clarity as seen fit.
Professional writers are expected to fact check quotes from all sources used in an article before submitting the final draft to the editor. Previews of an entire article to sources are generally not permitted.
Queries should not exceed two to three paragraphs and should include the following information:
- An outline of the issues the article will address
- Why these issues are important/relevant to Health & Nutrition Counselors and Health Coaches
- A list potential sources (if the writer is a professional writer/freelance).
- A proposed word count (generally 1,200 to 2,500 words for feature articles)
- If the writer is a new contributor to HCA Magazine, include a bio with background information and area of expertise, samples of any previously published articles and any other relevant background information
- If you are a professional / freelance writer include fees if applicable
If the editor decides that the proposed article is a good fit, then we will be in contact to discuss further details. The HCA Voice may take up to four to six weeks to decide whether an editorial idea is suitable.
Article ideas that are most likely to be accepted are those that address current topics in the Holistic / Natural Health Industry and that are of interest to Health & Nutrition Counselors and Health Coaches and include the viewpoints of at least two to three experts or sources. Other articles of interest include practice management pieces that help Health & Nutrition Counselors and Health Coaches do their jobs better.
Our readers value articles that are educational and interesting. Highly technical or academic-style writing will most likely not be accepted. Articles that offer real-life examples are also of interest to our readers and articles that provide critical analyses should also include possible solutions to the problems presented.
HCA Voice will not accept any articles that merely serve as promotional pieces for a company or individual (i.e., advertorial) SEE ADVERTISING.
All self-serving phrases will be edited out of the story as the editor sees fit. Article submissions and ideas should be objective and should not be used as a platform for rants or raves. The editor reserves the right to edit submitted articles for length and/or clarity as seen fit.
Professional writers are expected to fact check quotes from all sources used in an article before submitting the final draft to the editor. Previews of an entire article to sources are generally not permitted.
The Writer Selection Process
At The HCA Voice, we rely on both experts and professional writers for feature articles and columns. In general, experts and/or Health & Nutrition Counselors and Health Coaches are not paid for their articles; professional or freelance writers may be compensated.
Professional / Freelance Writers
Professional / Freelance writers bring a multitude of perspectives to a story through the use of several sources or interviewees. These sources tend to be experts in their field and/or Health & Nutrition Counselors and Health Coaches who can share their perspectives, opinions, expertise and experience with the reader. We expect these sources to be credible and knowledgeable.
Using a professional writer ensures that the article will be both objective and balanced. In addition, the quality of writing of professional writers is generally higher than that of a non-professional writer. In general, these articles are not of a technical nature.
Using a professional writer ensures that the article will be both objective and balanced. In addition, the quality of writing of professional writers is generally higher than that of a non-professional writer. In general, these articles are not of a technical nature.
Experts bring a working knowledge and experience in a particular area to an article. Experts may include practitioners who have excelled in a specific area or discipline, business consultants, book authors or company/manufacturer in-house experts/resources. We expect technical accuracy from our expert writers, as they are selected based on their credentials and expertise.
Have a Product or Service You Want Featured?
The HCA Voice offers two types of advertising to engage our community - free and paid.
If you would like to submit an article following the guidlines above, we may select your acticle to be featured in a future mailout. As above, these articles are not advertisements for your product or service and all self-serving content will be removed. We will however give the author credit and allow a link to your website.
You may also offer special member discounts to our community at no charge. Here is what you will get in return:
24% or less:
25% and up:
Your logo etc will only be visible during the time your discount is available to our members. Most products and services opt for an ongoing discount to be available at all times to keep their partnership active. We do not allow affiliate links or multi-level marketing of any type.
If you would like to share a more detailed article or advertisement about your product or service, you may opt to do so.
If you would like to submit an article following the guidlines above, we may select your acticle to be featured in a future mailout. As above, these articles are not advertisements for your product or service and all self-serving content will be removed. We will however give the author credit and allow a link to your website.
You may also offer special member discounts to our community at no charge. Here is what you will get in return:
24% or less:
- Your logo on our partners page and in the member discounts area with logo, link to your website and small blurb about your product.
25% and up:
- Your Logo on the public partners page.
- Your logo and blurb in the member discount area.
- Your product / service will be included in the new member email.
- An annoucement will go out to all existing members that you have been added to our list of partners.
Your logo etc will only be visible during the time your discount is available to our members. Most products and services opt for an ongoing discount to be available at all times to keep their partnership active. We do not allow affiliate links or multi-level marketing of any type.
If you would like to share a more detailed article or advertisement about your product or service, you may opt to do so.